GEOMETRY: Semester 1 (Q1 & Q2) and Semester 2 (Q3 & Q4)
Throughout this course, students will use problem solving and real-world applications to gain the knowledge of geometric concepts and their practical uses. Throughout this course, students will apply algebraic concepts to two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometric shapes, and they will use inductive and deductive reasoning to solve real-world geometric problems. In addition, students will use constructions to prove numerous geometric relationships involving the sides and angles of a number of polygons and solids. Students will also learn right triangle trigonometry. Upon successful course completion, students will be prepared to take Algebra 2. (3SSGEOMQ)
Grade Level: 9-12
Length: Two-semesters
Credit: 1.0
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra I Course
Please Note:
Online summer school courses are rigorous. Students will be taught an entire 20-week semester within each 3-week summer session and should plan to commit 6-7 hours per day to the coursework on Canvas.
Online summer school courses are self-paced and quarter-based. All work for each quarter is due by the end of that particular quarter. Students will earn two quarter grades instead of one semester grade.
Online summer school students will be expected to complete most of their work asynchronously and at their own pace. Teachers will be available throughout the week to offer instructional support by email during regular summer school hours. Teachers will hold one live virtual class a week to provide a synchronous learning opportunity which is optional, but highly recommended.
Year-long courses consist of two semesters that run consecutively. Semester 1 of a year-long course will only be offered during Session I. Semester 2 of a year-long course will only be offered during Session II. Semester-long courses such as PE, Health, and Government) will be offered during both Session 1 and Session 2.
The last day students can drop an online course without having the course show up on their transcript for any session is the end of the first day of class at 4 pm.
Online Session I consists of Q1 & Q2 equaling one semester for .50 credits.
Online Session II consists of Q3 & Q4 equaling one semester for .50 credits.